Contact Your Member of Congress.
Contacting your Member of Congress (both Senators and House of Representatives member) is an excellent and efficient means of letting them know how you (their constituent) feel about a specific topic. Although considered by some to be “old-fashioned,” telephone calls and letters are very effective in getting Members’ attention, and are more likely to elicit a response than an automated or blast-email.
Click here to find your Senators [NOTE - you will be redirected to Senate.gov; use the “Find Your Senators” drop-down menu at the very top.]
Click here to find your Representative [NOTE - you will be redirected to House.gov; use the “Enter your zip code” box in the upper right corner.]
Suggested telephone call script.
[Locate the telephone numbers from the Senate or House websites noted above. You can contact either the Member’s local or DC office, or both.]
“Hello Senator / Representative _____.
My name is _____ and I live in _____. I would like to encourage you to co-sponsor H.J. Resolution 14, the Joint Resolution to amend the U.S. Constitution to replace the Electoral College with a direct vote for President and Vice President. For far too long, the Electoral College has silenced millions of Americans’ voices with its “winner-take-all” mechanism and its unfair emphasis on a few “swing states.” I want my vote — and every American’s vote — to count equally.
It is time to remove this antiquated and unfair artifact from the 18th Century. Thank you for helping to strengthen our democracy.”
[A few Members of Congress already support H.J. Res. 14 (click here for the current list). If your Member already supports this bill, you can thank him/her. ]
“Hello Senator/Representative ______.
“My name is ______ and I live in ______. I would like to thank you for your support of H.J. Resolution 14, the Joint Resolution to amend the U.S. Constitution to replace the Electoral College with a direct vote for President and Vice President. It is time to remove this antiquated and unfair artifact from the 18th Century and allow every American’s vote to count equally. Thank you for your leadership on this important issue for our democracy.”
Suggested letter.
[Locate the mailing address from the Senate or House websites noted above. You can write to either the Member’s local or DC office, or both. Feel free to copy/print this letter.]
Dear Senator/Representative _____,
I am writing to urge you to co-sponsor H.J.Res. 14, which would amend the U.S. Constitution to replace the Electoral College with a direct vote for President and Vice President.
For far too long, the Electoral College has silenced millions of Americans’ voices with its “winner-take-all” mechanism and its unfair emphasis on a few “swing states.” The unjustness of the Electoral College means that millions of Republican voters in California are silenced each time that state ends up in the “blue” column, while voter turnout in non-swing states is significantly lower than in the few swing states.
The Electoral College is an 18th Century relic, implemented at a time when communication and knowledge were difficult to disseminate. This is no longer true in the mid-21st Century.
No state or voter is more important than any other. There should be no “red” or “blue” states — just the United States. As your constituent, I ask that you co-sponsor H.J. Res. 14 and help strengthen our fragile democracy.
[include your name, mailing address, e-mail and/or telephone number]